Butikstorvet has 24 flats in total
KIRKBI owns 24 light and character-filled flats of various sizes. Each one has a special view of green urban nature, to be enjoyed from balconies, large windows or roof gardens.
Contact us for more information.

Butikstorvet as urban space and shared marketplace
Butikstorvet and the rest of the town centre offer a more attractive shopping experience. And your company can be a part of this. Contact us for more information.

Water, urban nature and Playline
Butikstorvet has creative green activity areas that encourage play.

Butikstorvet has 24 flats completed in the Autumn of 2020.
KIRKBI constructed light and character-filled flats of various sizes at Butikstorvet. Each one has a special view of green urban nature, to be enjoyed from balconies, large windows or roof gardens. Please contact us for more information.

Do you want your company to be a part of Butikstorvet?
Butikstorvet has around 5,200 sq.m. for attractive shopping and office environments. For more information, please contact us.